viernes, 13 de junio de 2008

Now what?

I just don't fucking know what to do with us... i just wanted to be with you but see what happens? you still there, i still here and all this is driving me nuts... planes y planes y todo parece imposible. Razona, que mierda podemos lograr con todo esto?
you were the perfect man, the perfect asshole [si, el perfecto hdp!] that i needed in my weird life... i just don't know why. We are perfect together, yet we don't even belong together...or do we? You're an emotional mess, and i'm a fucking weirdo that is changing her mind 24/7... you are possessive and controlling psycho and i want to do what i like, and what i want without having someone controlling me or being mad for what i do or like. do you think that is that bad to want a career, to have hobbies, to have friends? y estoy tan harta del 'y donde entro yo?'... siempre con ese egoismo de mierda... esos celos, esa nacesidad de ser el centro, la victima... agh!!

One thing, what do you like so much about me? i'm not a princess nor a model, i'm not even close to being perfect... Seguro que es porque soy tu perra mujer de tu vida, la sumisa, la inmadura, la debil, la bruta, la yegua, la aburrida, la histerica...
So how are we supposed to compliment each other? Maybe because we are both out of our minds... Tenemos tanto en comun y somos tan distintos... Odio tantas cosas de vos, pero al mismo tiempo me gustan. O simplemente sera la costumbre...
For me this relationship goes from "i love you" to "i hate you" in just a matter of seconds, and i'm sick of it! 1 year, a freaking roller coaster and and hate.
Y ahora que todo va a la basura, tell me what happens with the perfect life that we were going to live? what happens with all those dreams? what happens with everything that we had? do i have to forget it and pretend that we never planned anything?
I just try to think what could be the best choice, but if i make the right choice that means i have to continue with my freaking life without you... but i usually don't think with my brain and this is what happens... peleas, arreglos, constantemente y siempre el mismo circulo vicioso...
ja! cuantas veces te dije que queria terminar esto? cuantas veces me lo dijiste vos? y en que terminamos todas esas veces? me harte de caer en lo mismo...what do you expect me to do now?

cual es el siguiente plan?

I'm just fucking confused...

0 blah blah blah: